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Excitement, persevering and writing.

Well, here it is, the cover for my novel Just Des(s)erts. Tree District books have confirmed that it will be published on 1st March.

I love the design of the cover and the editing that has been done on the story. I can't wait for everyone to get a chance to read it. The three ladies, Eve, Penny, and Dorothea, who feature in the book are characters that I'm very fond of. Despite the fact that they have murder on their minds.

I got the news of the release date on 8th February, which is my birthday. It made it even more special because of that. Hopefully there will be book signings and other publicity to tell you about in the next blog.

I finally finished my novel Artful. I always hate the editing at the end, but it is a necessary evil. The catalyst to persevere and get it done, was having an idea for a new book. I couldn't start that one before I finished the previous one.

My new story is a murder mystery with a supernatural twist. It will be called Blank Slates. Two of the main characters are teenagers Sean and Emily. It is some time since I have been a teenager, so getting into their heads has been interesting.

A holiday is in the offing. The husband and I are going on a mini cruise (4 days) to France. Really looking forward to some rest and relaxation. Oh, and quite a bit of eating and drinking.

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